Compound mod for the 7x10 Minilathe.
Tired of crancking the compound back every time you need to modify the angle on those minilathes ? I was, indeed, so I decided to modify it in a easy-to-use way. Here what I did: I have replicated the degree scale in mild steel, and slotted an hole inside: I have then make some hole on the compound base and threaded M3: The holes are 4 so, at least for the most useful angles, there are always 2 screw locked: The compound rotating base has been shimmed with a 0.8mm shim so that when the compound is fully screwed and locked on the pivot, it can still rotate: I'm very satisfied of this mod. It's since 2015 I have it and since then I have not noticed any strange behaviour. No chatter ( or at least no more than before ) but now angleing the compound is a really easy thing. I' still thinking a similar mod for the negatives angles btw, because it's not usable when ( for example ) you are threading inside. It's always 29,5° but ...